
Tag Archives: crystal

Episode 6: Amplify Moldavite Energy With Herkimer Diamonds

beads and rocks

http://moldavitepodcast.com/podcast/epi6-moldavite-life-podcast-amplify-moldavite-energy-with-herkimer-diamonds.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS When it comes to learning more about crystals and combining them with moldavite, Herkimer Diamonds are at the top of the list. Crystals are used in radios. Both scientifically and logically it simply makes sense that by pairing your moldavite with a Herkimer Diamond or any crystal […]

Episode 5: Making Moldavite Crystal Water!!

moldavite crystal water

http://moldavitepodcast.com/podcast/epi5-moldavite-life-podcast-making-moldavite-water.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS Today’s episode of the Moldavite Life Podcast explores one way you can you can stay hydrated and benefit from a boost of energy by adding moldavite to a morning glass of water. Yes today we are making moldavite water charge naturally by life giving sunlight! Have you have […]

Episode 4: How to Charge your Moldavite Crystal with the Sun? ~ Viewer Question

charge moldavite in sunlight

http://moldavitepodcast.com/podcast/epi4-moldavite-life-podcast-charging-up-with-sunlight-sun.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS How do you charge moldavite? Do you need to charge moldavite just like a crystal? Recently a viewer question came in on YouTube. Solomon Moses asked “Does it make sense to charge or try to charge your Moldavite with sunlight?” As you know from Episode 1 of […]

Crystal Lovers Stay Tuned For Moldavite Life ~ Mysterious Green Meteorite

Moldavite Besednice

Chances are that if you have been searching the web for info about a mysterious green crystal called Moldavite it has lead you here. Well.. GOOD NEWS!! A new Podcast about this tektite called Moldavite Life is on the way! If you already have a piece of this magical green tektite then you already know […]